Winning Sales Proposals

Your sales proposals are your "silent" sales force.  Are your sales proposals winning business for you?  Or losing it?  What are your proposals telling your prospects?  Do you have answers to these questions:

  • Do proposal mistakes (typos, misspellings, etc.) lose deals?
  • Does your standard language truly represent your offering?  How often do you update your standard proposal language?
  • How much time do we spend responding to a single RFP?
  • What's our response strategy for each RFP?
  • Are there ways to build proposals faster without buying a complex document management system?

For most growing organizations, the structure and format of their proposals is a low-priority.  Often, they are copied from previous proposals and put together haphazardly.  This can lead to mistakes and give a poor impression of your organization's capabilities.

Your proposals say as much about your organization as your sales team does.  And yet, year after year, organizations use the exact same proposal process without recognizing whether it is effective or detrimental to their sales success.

The Rokay team has years of experience with:

  • defining proposals as an integral part of the sales and marketing process
  • establishing proposal teams and instituting processes to take advantage of the RFP/RFQ process
  • document automation using tools that already exist within most organiztions

Call us today and start making your proposal process an effective part of your sales process.


As you grow, it's likely that you'll be bidding on larger and larger blocks of business.  That can mean you move into the "Request for Proposal" world.  If your team has no experience in the RFP world, it's a steep learning curve.  And if you make mistakes, provide insufficient proposals, or otherwise drop the ball, those are sales that you won't get back.

The Rokay team can help you define your solution in the RFP world.  We can help you establish processes and tools that make you competitive in this world immediately.

Don't wait until you lose another deal.  Contact Rokay today and let's get your proposal team up to speed and hitting on all cylinders!

Document Automation

Have you automated any of your business proposals or are you still burning time in vast copy/paste exercises?  The Rokay team has built proposal automation tools that can save you hours of time on every proposal that you generate whether it's a simple proposal or a multi-section RFP proposal.

Automated proposals allow you to:

  • eliminate mistakes brought on by copy/paste exercises
  • increase the consistency of your proposals
  • increase your staff efficiency
  • save HOURS of time

Don't wait!  Ask the Rokay team about automating your proposals today.

Contact Us

Call us:  (480) 489-4439
Email us:

P.O. Box 20006
Mesa, AZ  85277

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